On these 2 reports, occasionally you may see where checks begun (amount and/or quantity) does not match checks paid:
Run the following query from dbisql to find out the checks where checks begun does not match checks paid. Note that some records might not match but have an offsetting transaction on another check.
DECLARE @busdate datetime
SELECT @busdate = '2017-11-17' --(Change the date)
(CASE checks.rvc_seq
WHEN 1 THEN 'Dine In'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Take Out'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Delivery'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Drive Thru'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Pick Up'
(SELECT c.chk_num,
SUM((s.tax_coll_ttl + s.other_svc_ttl + s.auto_svc_ttl + s.rounding_ttl+s.net_sls_ttl)) AS checksBegunTotal,
SUM(s.pymnt_ttl) AS checksPaidTotal
FROM micros.sale_dtl s
INNER JOIN micros.trans_dtl t ON s.trans_seq = t.trans_seq
INNER JOIN micros.chk_dtl c ON t.chk_seq = c.chk_seq
WHERE s.trans_seq IN (SELECT trans_seq FROM micros.trans_dtl WHERE business_date = @busdate)
GROUP BY chk_num,c.rvc_seq) checks
WHERE checks.checksBegunTotal <> checks.checksPaidTotal
ORDER BY rvc_seq,chk_num
You can see the 2 checks that make up the outstanding amount and then investigate the specific check from there.
Known Issues:
1. Reprinting a closed check with a Charge Tip on it when processed through the Micros API (PATT or eOrder) will cause the tip amount to show as an outstanding amount. This does NOT contribute to Over/Short on FM. Here is how to validate this scenario in the EJ:
2. Cancellation of an eOrder which has a discount on it. When the order gets Voided it causes the discount amount to get doubled up. This is a known bug currently being investigated. Note that this does affect the Over/Short line on FM and the store should account for accordingly.
You can see this on myMicros, Links/Find Guest Check:
3. Force Closed Checks. If there is an open check at the end of the night and it is not closed, it will be force closed during the end of night process. You can find these checks using this myMicros report.
4. Performing a transfer out on check with a Partial Payment with Charged Tip on it causes outstanding amount by increasing the Checks begun amount by the tip amount. This does not affect Cash over/short on FM. Example: Once the Split occurs below, the outstanding amount will be the $2.00
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