RMS can only process so many locations at once; the other requests end up in a queue; the queue can get very large as locations all try to run EOD at the same time, and it is further getting clogged with more jobs as many stores are re-submitting the EOD just after a few minutes of it processing and not letting it complete its tasks.
If the EOD says processing, just let it run - open a different tab if you need to keep working on other things.
- There may be times when you may need to wait 15-30 minutes for the job to complete as all your colleague's may also be running EOD at the same time.
- If you are getting errors when submitting EOD, please read the error carefully in case it is something you can resolve yourself such as a task not completed.
- If you still have issues please open a ticket at help.cara.com so we can investigate further.
Job Aid Reference - End of Day Workflow
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