NOTE: The Brand3p network should not be used by store staff to connect their personal devices (ie. cell phones/tablet) to the Internet as this may cause interference with the tablet.
1. Forget all connected Wi-Fi networks
- Go to the Wi-Fi setting page
- Select the 3 dot on the top right hand side of the tablet and select “Saved networks”
- Click each network listed and select forget
- If you DO NOT see the 3 dots
- Click and hold each network shown if on your tablet, if you see “forget network” select it.
- Once all networks have been forgotten, please continue with the instructions below. "Adding the Brand3p Network"
2. Adding the Brand-3p Network
- Go to the Wi-Fi settings page
- Select the 3 dots in the top right and select add network OR select add network at the bottom of the page if you do not have the 3 dots
- Enter in the correct case sensitive SSID – Brand-3p
- Change the security to WPA/WPA2 PSK
- Enter password – (this should have been provided to you in your SkipTheDishes onboarding guide from the Brand training team)
- Select connect
- Once connected, please continue to “Change battery settings”
3. Change battery settings
- Go to device maintenance
- Go to battery
- Turn “Off” power saving mode
- Once power saving mode is disabled please continue to “Change Wi-Fi sleep settings”
4. Change Wi-Fi sleep settings
- Go to Wi-Fi setting
- Go to advance WLAN setting
- Go to Keep WLAN on during sleep
- Select Always
- Once your WLAN is set, please continue to “Enabling GPS only”
Depending on the Model of Samsung Tablet that you have please follow the screens below to change the Locating method to use GPS Only.
5. Enabling GPS only (1of2)
- Go to settings
- Connections
- Location
- Locating Method
- Select “Tablet only”
6. Enabling GPS only (2of2)
- Go to settings
- Privacy
- Location Method
- Select “GPS Only”
7. If you are still unable to get your tablet to connect and/or stay connected to the Cara3p network, please contact Skip the dish directly for a new tablet.
~migrated to Google KB~
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